keskiviikko 17. tammikuuta 2018

Kim Jong Un Vierailee Pyongyangin Vastauudistetussa Opettajainkoulutuslaitoksessa

Kunnioitettu ylin johtaja Kim Jong Un vieraili Pyongyangin vastauudistetussa opettajainkoulutuslaitoksessa.

Viime vuoden helmikuussa hän antoi tehtäväksi opettajainkoulutuslaitoksen uudistamisen ja sen laittamisen korkeatasoiselle tieteelliselle ja tietotekniselle perustalle.

Kaupungin virkamiehet, puolueen jäsenet ja työntekijät saattoivat työn päätökseen lyhyessä ajassa ja uudistivat oppilaitoksen, jonka kokonaislattiapinta-ala on yli 24 100 neliömetriä.

Ylin johtaja ilmaisi arvostavansa suuresti sitä, että he olivat tehneet oppilaitoksesta maailmanluokan esimerkiksi.

Syyskuussa 1968 perustettu oppilaitos on käynyt läpi upean kehityspolun presidentti Kim Il Sung'in ja johtaja Kim Jong Il'in viisaassa ohjauksessa, hän sanoi, ja painotti, että laitoksesta valmistuvien opettajien tulisi omistaa viisautensa ja tarmonsa kasvatukselliselle työlle tietoisina tärkeästä velvollisuudestaan ja siten lisätä suurten johtajien kuolemattomien urotekojen loistoa.

Hän sanoi, että kasvatustyö on isänmaallista työtä, jolla on pysyvä arvo maan tulevaisuudelle ja opettajankoulutuslaitoksilla on tärkeä rooli Pohjois-Korean korostamisessa kasvatuksen ja lahjakkaiden ihmisten maana kohentamalla opetusta radikaalisti uudella vuosisadalla.

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Kim Jong Un Visits Newly-Remodeled Pyongyang Teacher Training College
Respected Supreme Leader Kim Jong Un visited the newly-remodeled Pyongyang Teacher Training College.
In February last year he gave instructions to turn the college into a model put on a scientific, IT and modern basis at a high level and generalize it across the country and solved all problems arising in its reconstruction.
Officials, party members and working people of Pyongyang City completed the project for updating the college with a total floor space of more than 24 100 square meters in a short period, true to his intention.
The Supreme Leader highly appreciated them for having successfully turned the college into a world-level exemplary one.
Going round a room dedicated to the history of the college, an education science exhibition hall, an education control room, a multi-function classroom, a library, a gymnasium, a dormitory and other parts of the college, he learned in detail about its modernization and educational work.
The college, founded in September 1968, could cover a proud course of development under the wise and meticulous guidance of President Kim Il Sung and leader Kim Jong Il in the past period, he said, stressing that its officials and teaching staff should devote their wisdom and passion to the educational work, well aware of their important duty, and thus add shine to the immortal exploits of the great leaders.
Saying that he was very glad to see the college equipped with ultra-modern education facilities, school things and operation facilities, he expressed his great satisfaction over them.
Educational work is a patriotic work of lasting significance for the country's future and the teacher training colleges have an important role to play in glorifying the DPRK as a country of education and a talent power by bringing about a radical improvement in education in the new century, he said.
He noted that the Party remodeled Pyongyang Teacher Training College with much care as it attaches importance to the teacher training colleges, a pedigree establishment for training teachers in charge of the education of children, and instructed that every province should spruce up the teacher training colleges with it as a model.
He stressed that the teaching staff of the country, including teachers of the college, should dedicate their ardent patriotism and pure conscience to the educational work, well conscious of being the master of education and the work for improvement in education in the new century.
Expressing belief that the officials, teachers and students of the college would fulfill their duty in the work to put the preschool and primary school education on a fresh scientific basis, he had a photo session with them.
Accompanying him were Pak Thae Song, vice-chairman of the Central Committee of the Workers' Party of Korea, and Jo Yong Won, vice department director of the C.C., WPK.

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